Friday, August 12, 2011

It is time

To be in a relationship, no matter what it is, you must be first be ready to sacrifice.
I have come to realize the validity of this statement.
Once, I used to think that it's possible to maintain something at the same time, gaining something new. But then, in the process of maintaining as well as adapting to the new environment, I found it very difficult to do both simultaneously. There might be some who can but I have to admit, I am not that one.
Never have I left home for such a long period before. I did not understand the function and the effect of distance to our daily life and also our mind. In other words, I underestimated the power of distance. Then, i was sad to acknowledge the fact that some of my friends failed to see partially or fully understand the the definition of distance. They still take it lightly and did not bring forth any kinds of action to get a step closer to the meaning and impact of distance. By knowing so, all I can do at the present is to embrace something new. Note that something new here consists of the negative and positive ones.
Leaving my comfort zone into another place for education sake, I met new friends. By doing so, changes came into life. Such changes only took a few months to revel it's effect on my life. I appreciated friends a lot. The ones I met were sincere, fun, true, adventurous, mature and good. All I could say is that it's my privilege to meet people like them. This would be the positive side of my recent changes. Yet, it was always true to say that we gain and lose at the same time. Friends, close friends were at the expanse. I did try to maintain how it used to be but obviously, I failed. Initially, I put the blame on me. However, as time passed, I came to realise that the fault wasn't at all mine. As we all clearly knew that magnificent things such as relationship worked in two directions. By saying so, I would dare say that I fail cause I was the only one who was on the move.
It was tiring and demotivating. As this problem carried on to a certain extend, I gave up. Nevertheless, I was filled with remorse. But then, I knew clearly that all these were part and parcels of life, of growing up. I just have to be ready...
In the entire growing process, different people will be stationed into your life. Get to know them, get along with them. As for the old ones, just let it be.
So, for all my 6 friends who are doing Ausmat with me currently, I do not know what to expect in the future. I no longer have the confidence and the strength to say that our friendship will last. I dare not. No. So what to expect? I do not know.. I do not know...
Noel, Aows, Mei Xin, Jophy, Lining, Weiyi... I do not know what to say for the times to come. But I dare say this: you guys have been good and true friends to me. Thank you.

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