Monday, January 7, 2013


2012 is over. 
My birthday is over. 
So, what's next? 
I certainly hope someone can reveal the answer to me. 
2013 came quietly into my life this time. And so was 7/1/2013. Both of them just came and left. Did they leave something behind? Maybe yes. Maybe no. I just wasn't sure. 
One of my friend asked me, "Lucas, I am sure you have a list of to-do list for 2013, right?"
Well, the truth is, I don't have any. Was it because I didn't have the motivation to actually sit down and ponder over it? Was it because I genuinely lacked the idea for it? I just wasn't sure. 
Lately I keep asking myself. What do I really need? What do I really want? What can I really achieve? Questions questions questions. All over my head. With the right timing, these little question marks can serve as a fruit of thought. However, if they visited me at those unpleasant times, then I would be in an abyss of emotions. 
Two more months before I fly over South China Sea once again, so far far away from my comfort zone. 
I have to do something. I have to do something fast. ASAP. 
These two months shall not be put to waste. 
No, they shall not...