Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Things happen in this mysterious world, either good or bad, happy or heart breaking. However, I think that every of them has their own explaination, unless it's the making of God or known as act of God.. In that situation, nothing can explain.

Yesterday, something very sad happened. I tried to make an explanation to one of my friend but things just didn't turn our the way I wanted it to turn out. Three attempts but none of them succeed. The worst one was when I was behind her and I was so ready to go in front and bla out all I needed to say. But, again, she ran away. Maybe she noticed me behind or it's because of the rain, I don't know. What I know is that I failed.
Looking at her back, her nice pony tail, I just kept wondering, why my explanation can't reach her? But honestly, I ain't sure that whether she would trust me even though I told her everything. If that's the case, why wouldn't she listen? It's just an explanation... It'd be good to listen, wouldn't it?

From this, I would like to remind anyone that is reading my post, that explanations are worth listening especially true ones. If you don't listen, you might lose a lot. Never think that you are smart and you can predict what is going to happen. Spend about 2 to 5 minutes listening might be able to solve many of your problems...

Explanation ...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nothing much

Holiday now. One week. Nothing much in my head, just the usual routine like studies, household chores, game, books... Can't play basketball during this holiday as the rim of the court near my house was broken, by who, don't know. LAME -.-'''

Father gone to Ipoh for three days, brother went back to Penang... So it's just me again with my mum and my young bro.. I do not know why but this year is passing through like a wind. Sometimes I am just shocked by the way time flies without looking back. If it continues it's pace like that, I will face SPM in a very short time... Frightening.... However, I know well that by knowing it is useless, what I must do is to act, be more diligent. Yeah.. but.. again.. such things are easier said than done.. hahahahah!!

I guess that's all I can say for today. Not much stories to share with you all...

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Life's going better now.
I solved some of my friend's problem.... Felt happy and nothing at the same time. I've been used to it, if you are not used to it, never help a friend, or you can say, Chinese friend. KAKAKAKAKA... sad to say that but a fact is always a fact.
However, my own problem, there seem to be no one willing to help, maybe just listen but action would never be taken. I see this as part of my failure. I am able to help others yet, I can't even handle my own problem. AS a matter of fact, I can't even handle my problem, thus, I shouldn't help others... Yucks... Complicated again... lame..
I did try to put this problem behind me but, well, honestly, I can't do it... Too bad this blog isn't enough for me to express my feelings towards this matter...

But I like how it is now.. At class, I gained new friends and lost some at the same time... Never mind~ On the court, there are more and more friends of mine willing to play basketball. Nice.. Great... In the church, I got myself a new friend even though I have known him since I was 11 years old. This particular friend, I will help him, even though I can't handle my problems but I will help him no matter what. Just hope that I am up to it...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Awesome day^^

Well, for quite some time, maybe about 7 months, I am like having lots of problem to socialise with these "aliens" in my class thus causing me to feel very "sien". Now I think about it, I kind of like segregates myself.. honestly, I admit that it was my fault.
Even though the situation is like that, I ain't stupid enough to just sit around and let things around me to torment me.. NO! I ain't that kind of person who sits and do nothing when something is causing me to feel uneasy. So, I got to know this Xin Kai. If you did follow my other posts, you can see that this guy has been quite good with me and I appreciate his presence a LOT. But still, I think that the class's condition is dry and icy.
Things maintain the way they were till today. Well, for your information, Xin Kai had some problem with the girl he likes and he was asking for my help. Definitely, I helped him and it worked out.. He felt happy and I felt great too. Through this whole process I realise that hey, this guy actually gain my care so much... I couldn't believe it myself and of course I accept this fact rather happily. The best thing is, while I was solving this problem, I have a deep conversation with two girls in my class. All right, these two girls, seriously, I don't really care about them at all, AT ALL. What they do I didn't care that much, what they think didn't even pass through my mind.. In short, I don't care about them that much. But after that conversation which was mend to help Xin Kai, turned out to be helping me myself. I didn't know why, through that, I got to know a lot about them and for the first time in my life, they were listening to me attentatively. I couldn't believe it, their expressions were like, wow, can't believe this guy could talk so much. Wakakakaka.. So, after that, I did solve his problem and at the same time, I got myself two new friends... and... they are both female.. kekekekekez.... GREAT!!!!

After this, I kind of think that actually these people in my class, they ain't that weird, maybe not all of them... Even though lately I can feel that some used-to-be-friends are like shedding of from me, there are other much better people around me.. hehehe.. great feeling...